Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 19

Today is one of those days when I wish that I could magically transport myself to a deserted island where I had not a care in the world. Where nothing was an issue outside of deciding how long to lay on my stomach before flipping over so I don't burn. What I would give to be able to just breathe...

It is hard to make it through life with only yourself to worry about. When you add family members, friends, and others to that list it makes for difficult situations being made more difficult. Why can't we all calmly, rationally, and without assigning blame work through issues. They are what they are for better or worse. Belittling those around you who you supposedly love is no way to get your point across.

What good does it do to continually make others feel as if they are not warranted in their emotions? How is it fair to assume that you are the only person in the entire world who has burdens to care around that you didn't ask for? How can you get through these times still loving one another if all you do is resent someone for making you feel inferior, useless, and like you are the biggest disappointment to them? Last time I checked it takes more than one person to get into certain situations...just because you feel guilty and are well past the point of resentment you need to learn how not to make those around you feel like pond scum!!!!

Lord, grant me the patience to get through life as unscathed as possible. Help me find the patience and words to deal with the situation life has handed me and try my very best to work through the issues. Give me the hope and peace of knowing that something better lies ahead!

God Bless,

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