Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Days 26-29 (Oops...I got a bit behind!)

     Should have, would have, could have...the mantra for wallowing in self pity, denial, and depression! I should have done _______, then I would have _______, and I could have ____! You fill in the blanks. We all have circumstances that we wish we could go back and change. Unfortunately for us, H.G. Wells just wrote The Time Machine...he didn't event one.
Even if you could go back in time, should you? would you?

     Life is about learning from the mistakes and inactions of the past to make our futures better. If we were able to fix everything we did or didn't do I am not sure we would ever truly learn anything. You have to be able to evaluate situations for what they are and make an educated guess as to what the new outcome may be. It may be better or it may be worse. That is called life!

     There are too many times in my life that I have dwelled upon the shoulda, woulda, coulda's! Had I taken the energy spent wallowing in what didn't go a certain way I may have been able to figure out a way to make something better happen. We (humans) tend to get mucked down in the past. What we need to do is remember that our time on earth is short and we don't need to waste any time on unnecessary things. We need to be making the most of every single minute, hour, and day.

    This has been overly evident the past few days. People live short, medium, and long lives. Every one of them leave behind people who love them and wish for just a little more time with them. Especially those gone to soon. I am struck by just how diverse the loss of the past few weeks has been: the one year anniversary of the loss of a 17 year old, the 30 year old mother of 3 who passed away unexpectedly, the 65 year old father of a friend, and the 84 year old gentlemen from church.

   You never know when your name will be called...today, tomorrow, next week, next year, or 50 years from now. Please take the time to remember what is truly important in life and live it to its fullest. Put aside the should have, would have, could haves and focus on the what will be's of your life. I promise you'll be happier!

God Bless,

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