It is so easy to get lost in all of the things that go on in our lives to bring us down. Every day there is something that happens that could easily pull us down into a pit that will take us a long time to free ourselves from. For most of us, we don't have the luxury of wallowing in self pity, hurt, or despair. We have to pick ourselves up, dust our butts off, and move one foot in front of the other to whatever responsbility lays ahead. What we have to start doing is fully being aware of those little things that make us smile. We need to seek them out, pay them attention, give thanks for them, and find ways to do small things to make other people smile...I can guarantee that they need it as much as you do.
Every day I thank God for the many blessings that I have in my life. Every day I also pray for the things in my life that are causing me or the people I love unrest. What I don't always take the time to do is let these people know that I am praying for them. That is just as important as actually saying a prayer I believe. Last night I got an unexpected email from a friend saying that I had been on their mind the past week or so and that they had been praying for me. How awesome is that??? They felt compelled not only to be in prayer for me, but to let me know it. I can't tell you how much that lifted my heart!
Take the time to do those little things that make you and/or someone you love smile. In most cases it only takes a few minutes and it can make all the difference. Here are just a few things that make me smile that I know would do the same for others. Do you have some suggestions as well? Leave a comment.
* send a "snail mail" card to someone
* put a flower on your best freind's car while they are at work with a little note
* stop in to see a shut in relative or friend
* send a text to someone you haven't seen lately and let them know you are thinking of them
* make dinner for your parents/friends/siblings/etc.
* cut your neighbors grass
* pick your niece/nephew up and go to the park and play
* say hello to every stranger you meet today and give them a big smile :)
* buy the meal for the person in line behind you at McDonald's (or wherever)
The list could go on and on...whatever comes to mind, just do'll get more than a smile out of it I know :)
God Bless,
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