Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 7

I suppose it is about time that I explain the title of my blog: Losing myself to find out who I really am...

One of the most important questions we can ever ask ourselves is, "Who am I?" This is also one of the most difficult to answer. Is who we are a compilation of our personality traits? Is it the sum of all we have/haven't accomplished in our lives? Is it molded by who our family and friends are? Can we truly change if we are unhappy or uncertain of the answer.

I think that all of the above factors play a role in who we are. The great thing is that the answer is completely up to us. We can choose to be told who we are or we can choose to figure it for ourselves. We can change things, keep things the same, add to what we currently are, or clean our slate and start anew. This is the time to lose myself and all preconceived notions about me and figure it all out and make my own rules :)

Being happy with who you are is essential to becoming the person you are meant to be. Without happiness what is there really? This is where I have been struggling for the past few years. I feel as if I have simply been going through the motions of my life. Doing what was I felt was expected of me, being the person that everyone thinks I am. Not that I disagree with some of their assessments, but there is more to me than meets the eye. Even my own eye.

I feel that there are great things in my future if only I can figure out how to get there. That is what this blog and my other avenues of self discovery are all about. Who am I? Who do I want to be? What do I want to do? How do I get there? How long will it take? Have I missed opportunities along the way? Will I get a second chance?

As you can see there are an infinite number of questions and few answers, but I have hope. Hope and faith that the answers are out there. I just have to be willing to hear the answers, read the signs, and take the opportunities that are presented to me. Who will I be? I am not sure of that just yet, but I am definitely looking forward to figuring it out. It will always be an ongoing process, but it's my life. It is up to me to make the most of it. No one else can live it for me!

God Bless,

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