Tuesday, April 26, 2011

4-26-2011...Talk, talk, talk

     One thing that no one will ever say about me is, "she sure is a wallflower who never speaks to anyone." Talking is one of my forte's. We have a long history together...the only time it has ever gotten me into trouble was at school. I wasn't a bad kid. I was actually one of the those teacher pleasing children (probably because my dad was an educator). The one and only thing to ever land me on the "wall" for 5 minutes during recess was my motor mouth. Honestly, it happened quite frequently...LOL.

    My talking skills have made it easy for me to give speeches, teach, and most importantly meet new people. Ask anyone...give me 5 minutes and you'll more than likely know my entire life story! Some people may view this as a character flaw, but I see it like this: I never meet a stranger. Oh, I don't really tell everyone everything about me. I will talk to anyone though. Whether it be about religion, the weather, the state of public schools, or the newest movie I just saw I will freely engage in conversation with someone.

    My talking skill has been a definite plus as I have dealt with the public for the past 6 1/2 years of running my business. I truly hope that anyone who walks through my front doors leaves feeling as if they made a new friend. I do my best to remember names and what our discussions are about. Not to ensure a return customer or a bigger sale the next time...I simply want people to know that they matter.

   This twirling dirt clod we inhabit moves at such a great pace that we leave little time to actually get to know anyone. We are in such a hurry all the time and most people have their phones surgically attached to their bodies to ensure they stay in touch with email, itunes, facebook, and texting. What ever happened to sitting on the front porch with a glass of tea and talking the afternoon away? Maybe it's the Southerner in me (well, Mason Dixon Line for all technical purposes), but that is my idea of a great afternoon!

   I wish that I could somehow pass along my skills to others. If we would all take the time to actually talk to each other a lot of issues would cease to exist in my opinion. How awesome would it be to sit across the table from your family and engage in conversation during a meal or take a long walk on a Friday night instead of rushing from work, to dinner, and to a movie where you sit next to someone for 2 hours and never utter a word. What if we unplugged our phones, turned off our cells, pressed the OFF button on our computers, and refrained from texting and actually, wait for it...talked with people face to face. Liberating idea isn't it!?!?

    One day, I hope the world catches up with my way of thinking. I truly appreciate technology and living the American Dream, but not when they are to the detriment of mankind. We need to stop the rat race, talk to each other, and share our lives. I think we could all be happier individuals if we did :)

God Bless,


Friday, April 22, 2011

4-22-11...Good Friday :)

     Having grown up in a Disciples of Christ church we followed a rather extensive liturgical calendar. Advent, Pentecost, Lent, etc. Every possible religious holiday was observed such as Christmas, Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, and so on. I will admit that until I was older I didn't understand a lot of those days...especially Good Friday. What exactly was good about Jesus being crucified on the cross???

     Well, as I have grown older I have garnered understanding and appreciation for labeling the Friday before Easter as Good Friday. Actually, Great Friday may be an even better name for it! Although Jesus died that day, he died for us! What greater thing has ever been done??? God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to teach us and pay the ultimate price for us. That was absolutely a good day, however tragic the story may be.

    To honor this sacrifice we should all be living the best lives we can. Following the Word of God. Doing our very best to live up to the price that was paid for us. It isn't easy though. Being human is such a let down at times especially when we screw up. Our hope lies in the love of our Father! A friend shared a song by Jason Crabb on Facebook the other day that sums up what being a Christian is all about. I absolutely love it...it is "Sometimes I Cry": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE0Gb28MF4c&feature=share

    It is an absolutely beautifully written heartfelt wonderfully moving song! (I think I got enough adjectives in there...LOL) Sometimes we fall down, sometimes we cry, but each and every moment of the day we are held by our Lord and Savior...how awesome is that!?!? We are simply human beings doing the best we can to honor God, love one another, and be witnesses to the Word. That is what Good Friday is all about...God having faith in us. Faith that we are worth the sacrifice made for us.

God Bless,

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Most quarrels in life come down to one thing...someone fell short of your expectations or you of theirs. The entire argument could have been avoided had the expectations been made clear right up front. A simple conversation could keep a marriage from falling apart, put a stop to relatives bickering over only the Lord knows what, or something as simple as telling the waitress right up front to "please hold the pickles."

Expectations can be great, sometimes they must be lowered, but they must always be made known. This is the only fair thing to do as a human being. How can you fault someone for not doing what you expected them to if you do not tell them what you expect from them to begin with????????? Sounds confusing I know and you may even think it's trivial or a no-brainer. Well, you're wrong...sorry, but you are.

We fault people each and every day because they don't wear their hair a certain way, they don't walk the way you walk, they don't pray the way you pray, or they don't come visit you regularly. Well, do you visit them? Have you ever asked them over? Did you say to them, "please come visit me...I really need a friend right now?"

Tell people exactly what you expect from them. Keep in mind though, we all make mistakes. There isn't a single soul on this planet that is perfect. WE WILL MESS UP!!!! We won't do it maliciously. We'll try not to do it often, but it is going to happen. There is a 100% chance this is going to happen if we don't tell others what we expect from them.

So, before you go judging others around you and holding it against them that they screwed up royally think to yourself: did I tell them what I hoped they would do, did they do this to hurt me, is what they did or didn't do really all that bad, is being mad at them worth it???? Stop. Think. Calm down. Then speak. If we all took the time to do those things blood pressures would lower, friendships would stay on course, time wouldn't be wasted on resentment, and we may just find ourselves learning how to communicate with another like grown adults and not hot-headed 4 year olds who just had someone take our shovel in the sandbox.

God Bless,

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

4-11-11...Lots on my mind

    It has been almost two weeks since I last submitted to the blog...those two weeks have been an emotional roller coaster. There have sadly been more downs than ups, but I continue to trudge along. What other choice do you really have? You can't simply crawl under the nearest rock and hibernate indefinitely!

    The smallest of things have kept my head above water: remembering that others have things worse than I do, the simple pleasures like ice cream with friends, and the unexpected and kind words of others. The last of these has made the biggest impact on my outlook on things. Those words helped me to know that even if I feel like I am falling short in life there are others who feel that I have greatly touched theirs. What a tremendous blessing!

    My encounters have been varied: a longtime friend letting me know that I am special to them, another longtime friend reminding me of a time that I reached out with a letter during the loss of their child that they still have 8 years later and letting me know that they pray for me regularly to be blessed with a husband and children, a high school acquaintance that I became reacquainted with this Fall during a tumultuous time in their life who expressed gratitude for my being there as a sounding board and friend, and a random message from someone I wasn't close to at all in high school telling me they used to have a crush on me and would like to go to dinner sometime.

    Each encounter was very different. A few touched my heart. All made me see that even when I feel like a phenomenal underachiever there are people out there whose lives I have touched. In all honesty I feel a bit bad for being down after getting their messages. So, I took their correspondence as a kick-start to "putting on my big girl panties and dealing with it."
I could choose to stay in my doldrums or I can reach out to others and put a smile on their face like these friends did for me.

    I chose the later! I have spent the past week writing letters to some of my friends and loved ones. Most have simply been "Hi, how are you?" letters, but a few of them I dug a little deeper on. I am not the best person when it comes to the mushy, ooey-gooey of relationships with my friends. I am not accustomed to showing my affection especially through words. So, it has been a bit of a challenge to share my feelings, but I am glad that I have. You never know who needs a pick-me-up just as bad as you do.

   So, if you think someone knows how you feel about them...quit assuming! You know what they say about that...pick up the phone, pick up a pen, send an email or text...share your feelings :) Your doing so will be an unexpected blessing to those whom you reach out to!

God Bless,