Friday, April 22, 2011

4-22-11...Good Friday :)

     Having grown up in a Disciples of Christ church we followed a rather extensive liturgical calendar. Advent, Pentecost, Lent, etc. Every possible religious holiday was observed such as Christmas, Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, and so on. I will admit that until I was older I didn't understand a lot of those days...especially Good Friday. What exactly was good about Jesus being crucified on the cross???

     Well, as I have grown older I have garnered understanding and appreciation for labeling the Friday before Easter as Good Friday. Actually, Great Friday may be an even better name for it! Although Jesus died that day, he died for us! What greater thing has ever been done??? God loved us so much that He sent Jesus to teach us and pay the ultimate price for us. That was absolutely a good day, however tragic the story may be.

    To honor this sacrifice we should all be living the best lives we can. Following the Word of God. Doing our very best to live up to the price that was paid for us. It isn't easy though. Being human is such a let down at times especially when we screw up. Our hope lies in the love of our Father! A friend shared a song by Jason Crabb on Facebook the other day that sums up what being a Christian is all about. I absolutely love is "Sometimes I Cry":

    It is an absolutely beautifully written heartfelt wonderfully moving song! (I think I got enough adjectives in there...LOL) Sometimes we fall down, sometimes we cry, but each and every moment of the day we are held by our Lord and awesome is that!?!? We are simply human beings doing the best we can to honor God, love one another, and be witnesses to the Word. That is what Good Friday is all about...God having faith in us. Faith that we are worth the sacrifice made for us.

God Bless,

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